Saturday, July 27, 2013
Friday Confessional
My Friday Confessions:
My Friday Confession #1- I confess that my Friday Confessional is late. I am sorry. Got tied up again in Prison Break and my computer. Made it to season 2 what a good show.
My Friday Confession #2- I confess, I played on my computer when I should have been doing my dishes and house cleaning. My bad. ha, ha. No one wants to house cleaning when you can be playing on the computer and blogging.
My Friday Confession #3- I confess, I had my husband Josh buy a book a book for me when we really didn't have the extra money to buy it. Shame on me. But he did buy something for the air conditioner for the truck. Does that make up for the buying of the book?
My Friday Confession #4- I confess, That I am a little nervous about tomorrow and excited all at the same time. You see my library is having A Teen Author Visit: Marissa Meyer, author of Cinder, Scarlet 2013, Cress 2014 and Winter 2015
Over coming Obstacles
I have to tell you a little bit about my social anxiety so you can understand the accomplishment of over coming my obstacle. You see I am living with this thing called Social Anxiety/Anxiety. It's something I have and have lived with and haven't dealt with every good since I can remember. And as a kid growing up with it back in elementary and middle school and even in high school was extremely hard. I dropped out of high school and never graduated. Getting up in the front of the class to do presentations was so not happening and didn't. So I didn't get very good grades in those classes. Anyone who knows someone with it or has it themselves knows what I'm talking about and that it is so hard to live with and deal with. I get so frustrated with myself and at times even get pissed at not being able to do simple things like order food or pay for things at a store. Like other people. I can't even do phone calls. I have to have my mom or husband do it. I don't even have my drivers license. So they have to drive me around. I know that it has to be hard on them as well as it is on me. I know they have to be getting really tired of always helping me out with something as stupid as a phone call. I know its hard on everyone. Makes me feel horrible that I have had to depend on them so much and I have depended on my mom for my entire life for everything. Never really even had a job. I know that I'm not the only one out there living with this. That there are people out there that understand all to well what I am talking about. I hate having it. Makes life so much harder. Why do I have to have it? Why can't my life be easier like everyone else's.
Back then my mom really had no idea what it was exactly. She says now that if she would have known what she knows about it today that she would have done something back then when I was a kid. And would have gotten me the help I needed. I don't blame her for not knowing or not getting me any help. I didn't know what it was either. I was a kid. I live in a small logging town so its hard to find the right doctor for the right help. I have been to a couple doctors with no help. Good doctors are hard to find. And even still some of my family and friends don't get it and or understand.
So here in my little town our library had a Teen Author Visit: Marissa Meyer she is the author of Cinder, Scarlet, The Lunar Chronicles series. It was quite fun and exciting that this famous author was coming to our library and would be standing in front of us talking and answering questions. So here I was at the library sitting in the front row listening to her tell us her story and her journey on writing and getting published. All very inspiring and impressive. After all the story telling and answering of questions she was going to sign our books. I stood in line got my book signed and left back out into the library. I walked back and forth back and forth to go back and ask if I could get my picture with her. I asked my husband to come with me so he could take the picture but I said never mind and walked away again. I don't know how many times I walked back to peek inside the room to make sure that the other kids and people who came to meet her were gone so I could get the courage to go up and ask her for a picture with her. But I did it. I finally asked her and got my picture taken. I am and was so proud of myself for it. I am sure she could feel and hear my heart pounding out of my chest as she stood there next to me. God I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest. Kinda embarrassing. But I did it. And my heart didn't stop pounding till I got home and relaxed some. ha, ha I will try and get my picture with Marissa Meyer up here soon. Having some trouble with sending it from my phone.
Back then my mom really had no idea what it was exactly. She says now that if she would have known what she knows about it today that she would have done something back then when I was a kid. And would have gotten me the help I needed. I don't blame her for not knowing or not getting me any help. I didn't know what it was either. I was a kid. I live in a small logging town so its hard to find the right doctor for the right help. I have been to a couple doctors with no help. Good doctors are hard to find. And even still some of my family and friends don't get it and or understand.
So here in my little town our library had a Teen Author Visit: Marissa Meyer she is the author of Cinder, Scarlet, The Lunar Chronicles series. It was quite fun and exciting that this famous author was coming to our library and would be standing in front of us talking and answering questions. So here I was at the library sitting in the front row listening to her tell us her story and her journey on writing and getting published. All very inspiring and impressive. After all the story telling and answering of questions she was going to sign our books. I stood in line got my book signed and left back out into the library. I walked back and forth back and forth to go back and ask if I could get my picture with her. I asked my husband to come with me so he could take the picture but I said never mind and walked away again. I don't know how many times I walked back to peek inside the room to make sure that the other kids and people who came to meet her were gone so I could get the courage to go up and ask her for a picture with her. But I did it. I finally asked her and got my picture taken. I am and was so proud of myself for it. I am sure she could feel and hear my heart pounding out of my chest as she stood there next to me. God I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest. Kinda embarrassing. But I did it. And my heart didn't stop pounding till I got home and relaxed some. ha, ha I will try and get my picture with Marissa Meyer up here soon. Having some trouble with sending it from my phone.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Happy Aloha Friday Blog Hop
Thank you to Aloha Friday Blog Hop. I found quite a few new blogs that I am excited to read. I love the Blogs about make up and fashion. And what girl doesn't want tips and tutorials and how to's on how to apply eyeliner or learn how to do the smoky eye. I know I do. As my family and friends know, I don't really know squat about how to apply makeup even though I love it. I didn't have the mom growing up that did make-up so I had to learn as I went and as I grew older I got somewhat ok with the bare minimal. I never used eye shadows or blushes just eyeliner and mascaras. Just blain simple black. I would like to branch out in the color department but its scary. I'm not used to seeing me in colors. So I'm a little scared to try it and branch out of my comfort zone. I would love to learn what colors I could work with and the colors that I should stay away from. I'm the simple basic makeup wearer. ha, ha. All with no help from my mom. And I sware that my almost soon to be 13 year old daughter knows how to do makeup better then I do. Now that is sad very sad. ha, ha. I should ask her for help. I bought Lauren Conrad's books Beauty and Style. Two really good books in my opinion. There is where I found a step by step on the winged look and so I tried the winged look a couple weeks ago and it turned out really well. I was surprised by it. I would love to try the smoky eye affect but I'm afraid to come out looking like I have two black eyes. So for now its me-1 make-up disaster-0 so I am coming out a head. The blogs on make-up have great tutorials and great tips. So maybe they will give me the confidence to try out the looks I really like and maybe I can apply it for a night out. So again Thank you Aloha Friday Blog Hop. I'm looking forward to the next Blog Hop. Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Wrapped Up In Prison Break
I am sorry I'm not keeping up on my blogging right now. Not making a very good first impression am I. To tell you the truth I have been so wrapped up in watching Prison Break on Netflix. I love, love this show. Used to watch it every week. And that Wentworth Miller is a good looking guy which helps the show out and makes it that much better. Oh and I got my book today so I've been reading it off and on. You know I couldn't find it in Barnes & Noble. They would have had to order it from somewhere cause it is out of print. So I looked it up on Amazon. And I found the book there. I got it today and its in really nice and great shape for a book from 2009. So thank you Amazon. Also thank you Amazon for being less expensive. My book is Google Blogger for Dummies. I bought Blogging for Dummies maybe a week or so ago. And both books have been really helpful. I need all the help I can get. So you must please excuse me if I don't post everyday or a couple days for I am still stuck in Prison Break and my two books. But I will be back ha ha :o)
Monday, July 22, 2013
Allyn Days Festival
This weekend I enjoyed myself spending time with my husband. We woke up Saturday early ugh don't do mornings. Josh asked me the night before if I wanted to go garage selling Sat morning so that is what we did. Not a very good turn out for garage sales that day. But we did manage to find a few things. Found some kind of work out thingy. So I am looking forward to rearranging my house to try and find a place to put it, along with my treadmill. I don't like to work out though its so much work. But I have a small goal for next summer. I want to have a bathing suit body. It doesn't have to be a bikini it can be a once piece I don't mind. I've had two kids and my body is no where near what it was before they came a long. So I will be happy with just the one piece. So Saturday after garage selling my family was having a family bbq, the aunts the uncles, the cousins, brothers, sisters grandma the who nine yards. And believe it or not I really enjoy these family bbq's. Funny thing though is that we most of us all live in the same city and some only a couple blocks from each other. Bbq was fun and yummy. I only got to stay and visit at the bbq about an hr/ hr and a half or so before my husband Josh got this idea to go to port orchard. Its about an hr drive from where I live. Such a lovely, lovely drive, up there by the water. The sun shinning bright in the sky. Went to a couple stores up there found a couple books for myself and for my kids. Found a few things that I really wanted so maybe I will go back when I have a little bit more money in my pocket. But still a good day all in all. Sunday, we drove to a little town called Allyn, where they were having something called Allyn days, kinda like a fair without the rides. Little booths everywhere, food, music. I think the theme was Elvis. It was fun. I hope Josh enjoyed himself as much as I did.
Our view of the bay // Josh and I
Huge fish you could walk in earlier // Neat picture
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Garage Saling & Staying Busy
I haven't been around for the past 3 days Had a busy weekend. Thought I would tell ya how it went. So my weekend went like this. Friday I did a little grocery shopping with my husband, got a few things. So after the little trip to the grocery store and the little shopping that we did. We decided to lay around and watch an episode or two of whatever show we are in the middle of watching. Which we have 3 or 4 different shows going on. Hard to keep track of what you watched or haven't watched yet. Josh had asked me if I wanted to go garage selling the next day so we needed to get a paper. We headed out for a small little venture walk to the near by gas stations to get the Journal, our news paper. Needed to scope out the Garage Sale section. It was a nice little walk. Only a couple blocks but still nice. ha, ha. It was nice to spend some good quality time with him. So, Saturday had to get up at friggin 8am to get up and ready and out the door by 9am. So out we went. Hit a couple around town then headed out to Alderbrook its a hotel, spa and golf course. They had a huge community garage sale thing going on with a lot of the home owners 30 something garage sales going on there. It was a lot. Almost to much. We didn't make it to all of them had a bbq to get to that started at 1:30. We made it to the bbq at 3. We were way late. Still had plenty of food so that was good. We were starving. So that was my Saturday morning and afternoon. I sware we were only at the bbq for maybe an hr maybe hr and a half. Had enough time to eat and visit a little before Josh comes to me with his great idea to go back to Port Orchard, we had already been there the weekend before. And its an hr drive but he wanted to go, I would have preferred to have gone Sunday but I gave in and went anyway. The store he wanted to go to was open till 7:30pm and its a big store I thought it would take longer then an hr to walk the whole thing and check out everything. But it didn't. I managed to look at everything well most of everything in an hr and a half. I'm sure I missed some stuff. I don't know what it is exactly or what to call it. The store is called new to you I think. People can rent out corners or bookshelves to sell their stuff. movies, clothes, books, jewelry, toys and more. Don't know what that type of store is called. There is something going on in Allyn not sure what it is really. Some kind of fair thingy without the rides. ha, ha I guess, I dunno. It's called Allyn Days. So we might go and do that Sunday. If so I will post some pics. Josh wants to go hiking but after the couple busy days I've had I am so pooped. So I don't think that's gonna happen. Hopefully in the future I will have a post with pictures of our hiking trip
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Ok so I haven't posted anything in the past two days. I will be honest and say that I have had my nose in a book, well for the most part. I have also been doing some house cleaning or well I should say dishes boy do I hate doing dishes, ugh why cant dishes do themselves, right along with the darn laundry and sweeping and all the other household chores. But anyway back to my book(s) One I am reading is Janet Evanovich and the other is an 8 books in 1 blogging for dummies. Yes I found one and had to pick it up. And that's just one book I bought, I found more oh yes, more blogging books I want, need to get this blogging thing down. And its not the actual blogging thing its how to do links and put pictures and all the other things that come with blogging. I have been getting a lot of help from my cousin Mckenzie, who by now I'm sure has to be getting tired of all my questions and helping me out or doing it for me. And even though I don't understand half of what she tells me and I ask her the same questions over and over again. She still try's to help or try to answer my questions. So a huge big thank you to her. I think it might be easier if she shows me how to do it. So anyway, I also shouldn't have but I found a book on amazon. Another blogging book. Google Blogger for Dummies. Should be getting here in a couple weeks which I'm bummed about cause it says it can take 4-14 days. Earliest is next week the 24th the longest sometime in August. Its a little bit of an older book wrote back in 2009. I hope it hasn't changed much between now and then. I'm trying to learn how to do it. Kinda funny how its free and I have to buy books so I can figure it all out. One day I will get there. Fingers crossed.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Soccer Games
My son Aiden had a soccer game today. He hasn't played soccer in about 4 years or so. Its been nice to see him back out there and trying something he hasn't done in years. Granted when he played it years ago he was 5 I think?? This time he is 9 and still the smallest on his team. He was the smallest on his team at 5 as well. I think he is still a little scared to get in and try to either get the ball away or even just kick it when there is a big group of kids kicking at it. He is so much smaller then the rest of the kids his age. He has hit some growth spurts here and there looks bigger to us but not when he gets around other kids his age then he looks pretty darn small. People think he is a couple years younger then he is right now at this age.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Oh Monday, Monday, Monday, How I dislike Monday's, means my weekend is over no more sleeping in and that's the thing I like about my weekends is I can sleep in as late as I want to and I don't have to feel bad about it. Even if its getting up at 10 in the am or 1 in the pm. As long as its not any earlier then 10. I want to sleep in past then. Its not getting up at 8am cause that's to darn early for me ha, ha, And as long as I wake up on my own it doesn't matter what time I get up and didn't have to wake up using the alarm. I hate alarms grrr them.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Soccer Game
Aiden had another soccer game today. He got a little action and contact with the ball this time. He gets easily distracted so he sometimes loses track of what he is supposed to do. He will stand there staring at the sky or twirling in circles or crouch on the ground. But he did better today. And Josh took him out back in the yard and played around a little. So hopefully he learned a little and can apply it to his next game. He only has two games left. Seems like the soccer season went by so damn fast. It could be just me. I know that he missed a couple practices and I think the first and second game, I think. Not from any fault of my own, (ex) but who is blaming who. Not me. :o) Wish my daughter wanted to do something this summer but she is so shy and quiet. She is the artist, she would rather draw or watch anime and that's fine. I don't want to push her into anything and never have. She did play a few years ago and she liked it. But now she is grown up a little and that social anxiety, must have gotten from me and its so sad that she is closing herself off to things cause she is shy or scared. But I cant blame her I do it myself.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Port Orchard Trip
So Sunday my husband and I drove up to Port Orchard here in WA state in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.. It's about an hr or so drive from where I live .And such a pretty drive. All the greenery in the trees. And once you get up there your driving next to the water. It is so beautiful. You can look out your windows in your car and see the view of the beautiful water and we got lucky that we had a spout of warm weather so the sun was shining and it was quite warm. A very lovely day it was for that drive. Also nice to get out of the house every once in a while. We don't get to get out that often. But I think we had a great day up there. Went to some shops and had some lunch at pizza factory I think that's what it was called. Good pizza a bit expensive but good still. I bought some books to add to my very slow and growing library of books. I did manage to go to Barnes and Noble later that evening and I did manage to find some blogging books. So I hope here in the next couple days or maybe a week or so to get some money to buy at least one of the many books I found. Though I do hope sooner cause I want them bad ha, ha. Why do books gotta cost so darn much. Still love that bookstore though. I could spend every dime I have in that in there could so go totally broke. But I would be happy cause I had a crap ton of books to read.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Emerald Downs & Applebee's
Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days. I was actually kind of busy and that doesn't happen very often. ha, ha And I owe it all to my mom, my aunt Cricket and my husband Josh, We all went to Emerald Downs race track (horse races) for my birthday. And I actually had a really good time and totally enjoyed myself. I hope that everyone else did as well. There was 10 races I think and my husband and I managed to play with 20$ for the whole day. We only do the 2$ bets but still. I bet to place. So my horse had to come in at least in 2nd to win my money back. It doesn't win big but you at least get your bet back and so that's how I managed to walk away with 10 bucks still in my pocket. So we won just enough money to keep on betting. The weather stayed nice and warm, the sun shining bright. It was a beautiful day. And afterwards we all met up with another one of my other aunts and my uncle at Applebee's for dinner. They have some good food. We all sat and visited forever We enjoyed our good food over good convo. Can't get any better than that. I got to take home my free birthday sundae. which I left out when I got home. So no good sundae for me. Bummer. So all in all, my birthday wasn't a total bust like I was feeling a few days prior to. So that was good. Thank you to my family and my husband for the pleasant Birthday. Oh I almost forgot, My dear mother put my name and Happy Birthday on the reader board thingy. I cant think of what its called. So yeah that was so sweet of her. She also had to mention how old I turned so thanks to her for doing that as well. Gotta love your mother.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Happy Almost Birthday To Me!
Ok, So tomorrow is my birthday and I will let you in on the little secret I will be turning 32 ugh 32. and as all my friends and family know and hopefully my new blogger friends will know, how much I really hate to admit how old I am to anyone even though we all know how exactly how old I am or gonna be. It is a little game we all play "saying how old are you gonna be 35, 40?). Anyway, I'm not really looking forward to it not at all. I do sort of have plans tomorrow, to go to the horse races as I posted in (about me) in my likes, But honestly over the past couple days I've been in a funk and been really bummed out about my up coming birthday. I think that I have made myself sick with icky tummy. Ugh feel sick. I don't exactly have the money right now and we are a little strapped for cash and its been that way for the past couple birthdays. So I haven't looked forward to birthdays, mothers days, in quite some time. I didn't think that this birthday would be any different then the previous ones I've had.
I know that birthday's and mother's day's are not about getting presents, I know that. But its my birthday I want to feel special, I want to feel like its a day about me, for once in a very long time. Sounds like I am a horrible person. I'm not a conceded person in any kind of way. Really I'm not. Its an inner problem I guess is what it is.Something I need to work on myself. My inner self. And this feeling of being bummed and mad at the world for my being broke all the time has made me feel kind of sick. I get like that, I let things get to me so easy. I need to have stronger skin? But its hard. Its hard to not get upset over little things like birthdays and mother's days and everyday in between. There is my little rant for the moment. Bummed and p*ssed at the world that is me tonight.
I know that birthday's and mother's day's are not about getting presents, I know that. But its my birthday I want to feel special, I want to feel like its a day about me, for once in a very long time. Sounds like I am a horrible person. I'm not a conceded person in any kind of way. Really I'm not. Its an inner problem I guess is what it is.Something I need to work on myself. My inner self. And this feeling of being bummed and mad at the world for my being broke all the time has made me feel kind of sick. I get like that, I let things get to me so easy. I need to have stronger skin? But its hard. Its hard to not get upset over little things like birthdays and mother's days and everyday in between. There is my little rant for the moment. Bummed and p*ssed at the world that is me tonight.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
About me!
Hello, My name is Magen, I am new to the blogging community. One of my younger cousins, McKenzie, actually got me into it. She has brought it up to me in several different conversations over the past couple years. So I thought I would give it a try. See how things go. And I do hope that this really works out. It would be nice to meet some new people make new friendships and have some fun, maybe learn something new along the way. I really never have any idea how to start off the "about me" process of things. I have had this convo in my head over and over and it always sounds better there. Its hard to get what's in your head to sound anything remotely appealing on paper or in this case online and for the world to read. So here goes it, I guess I will start off by saying hi, I am in my early 30's though I really dislike admitting it a lot. I mean I know that I don't look it or that I don't feel like I'm in my 30's and I know that 30's is not old. Cause really its not. But what 30 means to me. Is that I haven't done anything or accomplished anything in my life worth a darn. Though its never to late so that's a good thing. I did however though have 2 beautiful and smart kids. I have 1 daughter and 1 son. I got lucky there. Got one of each. :o) They are the brightest, smartest, kindest kids and I am very proud to be their mom and very proud of them. I am married just hit 4 years five months ago so yay me. Moving on shall likes- movies, books, tv, tv shows, music. I live in a state that has horse racing I love to go there. I don't get to go as often as I could. My wallet wont allow it. sad so very sad. And I hope that I can ad blogging to my short list of likes and hobbies if you can call any of those likes hobbies. I don't have many hobbies I need to find some of those. I am sure there is more likes but right now I am having a little bit of trouble thinking of them. When they come to me I will be sure to ad them.
My husband Josh and I met at a bar (ugh) a bar of all places, and you know meeting at a bar is not what I thought it would be, first impressions are sometimes or most times not what the person is like at all. The friends I went to this bar with, and I do have to ad myself, thought that this guy I was talking to thanks to the (alcohol) otherwise I probably wouldn't have talked to him. Anyways, we all thought he was a player. And that was so far from the truth. He is from North Carolina, small town, simple person. Came here to WA to be stationed at Ft. lewis army base. He just happened to be in WA for a month or two before we met. And so anyway he was not what we all expected from meeting someone from the bar. I gave him my number and kinda made plans to meet up in a few days and you know what he didn't call. He called about a week later. But to come to his defense it was a good thing we didn't meet up when we were supposed to. He had a good time at a party with his army buddies. But anyway I'm getting off track here.. he was just as nervous as I was. It was a short and simple conversation out first phone call was. But it all worked out in the end and here we are 6 years together and married for 4 of them. He is my best friend who has seen me at my worst and at my best.For the most part he is always there for me if its thru happy times or the sad times and if I need a shoulder to cry on he is there. Sure we have had our hard times and sure there is many more to come but hopefully there will be some good times to come as well. I can cross my fingers and hope like hell anyway. My kids are from a previous marriage. So I guess I have been blessed a couple times in my life so far. My kids were born healthy and still growing healthy, no health problems besides being blessed with bad eyesight if you can really call that a blessing, having bad eyesight but it could be worse so I will take the bad eyesight as a blessing. Comes from both sides of the family. So no blaming who.
So after my cousin brought up this whole blogging thing many months ago I have thought and thought and thought night after night and day after day trying and trying to come up with a name for my blog. I don't know how many text messages I sent her asking for her opinion or for her help to try and come up with a darn name. Its not easy at all. Well for me it wasn't might come easier to others but to me oh was it hard. And I am not exactly sure I like the one I picked, can you change your blog name by chance?? Haha, well if not guess I'm stuck with it. Why I picked this name, (more about me) is I am living with this horrible, terrible thing called "Social Anxiety" so maybe someone out in the blogging community will understand where I am coming from and have some helpful tips or useful information. Or could just use a friend to talk to, I know that I could use more of them, friends that is. I guess I should wrap this "about me" up now.
Hope to see you again soon. Here's to beautiful new friendships and fun time together. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my blog and my About me page.
My husband Josh and I met at a bar (ugh) a bar of all places, and you know meeting at a bar is not what I thought it would be, first impressions are sometimes or most times not what the person is like at all. The friends I went to this bar with, and I do have to ad myself, thought that this guy I was talking to thanks to the (alcohol) otherwise I probably wouldn't have talked to him. Anyways, we all thought he was a player. And that was so far from the truth. He is from North Carolina, small town, simple person. Came here to WA to be stationed at Ft. lewis army base. He just happened to be in WA for a month or two before we met. And so anyway he was not what we all expected from meeting someone from the bar. I gave him my number and kinda made plans to meet up in a few days and you know what he didn't call. He called about a week later. But to come to his defense it was a good thing we didn't meet up when we were supposed to. He had a good time at a party with his army buddies. But anyway I'm getting off track here.. he was just as nervous as I was. It was a short and simple conversation out first phone call was. But it all worked out in the end and here we are 6 years together and married for 4 of them. He is my best friend who has seen me at my worst and at my best.For the most part he is always there for me if its thru happy times or the sad times and if I need a shoulder to cry on he is there. Sure we have had our hard times and sure there is many more to come but hopefully there will be some good times to come as well. I can cross my fingers and hope like hell anyway. My kids are from a previous marriage. So I guess I have been blessed a couple times in my life so far. My kids were born healthy and still growing healthy, no health problems besides being blessed with bad eyesight if you can really call that a blessing, having bad eyesight but it could be worse so I will take the bad eyesight as a blessing. Comes from both sides of the family. So no blaming who.
So after my cousin brought up this whole blogging thing many months ago I have thought and thought and thought night after night and day after day trying and trying to come up with a name for my blog. I don't know how many text messages I sent her asking for her opinion or for her help to try and come up with a darn name. Its not easy at all. Well for me it wasn't might come easier to others but to me oh was it hard. And I am not exactly sure I like the one I picked, can you change your blog name by chance?? Haha, well if not guess I'm stuck with it. Why I picked this name, (more about me) is I am living with this horrible, terrible thing called "Social Anxiety" so maybe someone out in the blogging community will understand where I am coming from and have some helpful tips or useful information. Or could just use a friend to talk to, I know that I could use more of them, friends that is. I guess I should wrap this "about me" up now.
Hope to see you again soon. Here's to beautiful new friendships and fun time together. Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my blog and my About me page.
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