This weekend I enjoyed myself spending time with my husband. We woke up Saturday early ugh don't do mornings. Josh asked me the night before if I wanted to go garage selling Sat morning so that is what we did. Not a very good turn out for garage sales that day. But we did manage to find a few things. Found some kind of work out thingy. So I am looking forward to rearranging my house to try and find a place to put it, along with my treadmill. I don't like to work out though its so much work. But I have a small goal for next summer. I want to have a bathing suit body. It doesn't have to be a bikini it can be a once piece I don't mind. I've had two kids and my body is no where near what it was before they came a long. So I will be happy with just the one piece. So Saturday after garage selling my family was having a family bbq, the aunts the uncles, the cousins, brothers, sisters grandma the who nine yards. And believe it or not I really enjoy these family bbq's. Funny thing though is that we most of us all live in the same city and some only a couple blocks from each other. Bbq was fun and yummy. I only got to stay and visit at the bbq about an hr/ hr and a half or so before my husband Josh got this idea to go to port orchard. Its about an hr drive from where I live. Such a lovely, lovely drive, up there by the water. The sun shinning bright in the sky. Went to a couple stores up there found a couple books for myself and for my kids. Found a few things that I really wanted so maybe I will go back when I have a little bit more money in my pocket. But still a good day all in all. Sunday, we drove to a little town called Allyn, where they were having something called Allyn days, kinda like a fair without the rides. Little booths everywhere, food, music. I think the theme was Elvis. It was fun. I hope Josh enjoyed himself as much as I did.
Our view of the bay // Josh and I
Huge fish you could walk in earlier // Neat picture
I heard about Allyn Days and really wanted to go, but I think we were super busy that weekend. Looks like a ton of fun though!!