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Thursday, August 22, 2013

been bummed

      I will post more tomorrow I know I haven't been here in almost I think two weeks ish. I have been a little under the weather mentally. Life has just been on the hard side lately and I haven't felt like doing anything. My butt has been pretty much glued to my couch and my eyes been stuck on the tv. I just would like to stay in bed for a while till all this crap passes by. Hopefully it would all work out while I lay there in my bed under my warm blankets. And I will just get out of bed and everything will have been already worked out and my life could finally for once be worry and stress free. Does that ever happen? Problems just work out themselves while your in bed? Cause that would be super nice. Ugh life is pretty crappy right now.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Oh yes the class at the library

                Oh yes I almost forgot to tell you all  about the blogging/social media class at my local library had signed up for. The class/session was a couple of hours and well it wasn't what I was excepting. I was the only younger person there out of maybe 10 people that also signed up. Most were older and that's fine. Everyone can learn how to or about blogs. The lady that gave the session? I don't know what to call it. She came up from Oregon to give this class. I am sad to say that it wasn't so good.  A older couple who the husband has a self published kids book wanted to know about blogging to promote his book I am thinking. They walked out after about the first hour. I cant remember the lady's name that did the class. She was saying that to get the most out of blogging you should maybe want to spend maybe 4 days a week posting or a couple hours a day. He didn't like that idea kinda threw his hands up in the air a little. Like spending that much time on blogging wasn't worth it. And in my Opinion that much time spent on blogging is totally worth it if it gets you more recognition for your book or business or whatever it is your working on. But that's just me. Sorry if that came off a little rude. I kinda feel like I wasted my day. I am bummed. I was really hoping to learn something new that I could bring to my blog. But that isn't the case and its not going to happen. She didn't cover a lot and topics got bounced around back and forth tossed around and then she would go back to the topic at hand. So that was kind of sad. It could have been the questions people asked or they didn't explain the question better I don't know. Everyone got off topic a lot so time was wasted. Really never got into any talk about the social media- twitter, tumblr, instagram. Talked about twitter for maybe 5 minutes. Something about microblogging. I think. grrr see gold fish memory. 3 seconds and boom gone, lost forever. haha She blogs on Wordpress so as the end came nearer she went over how to sign up for that site and went on to show everyone how to post blogs and that was about it. I didn't walk away knowing anything that I didn't already know.  :o(  It did however get me out of my house for a few and can now share it with all of you. I will keep checking my library for any more upcoming events. So I can share them with you.  

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My NorthWest Trek Tram Ride

 I know that this
  post is really late seeing that I went to Northwest Trek last Thursday. I have had a little bit of a hard time trying to figure out how I wanted to post this. Do I put up a lot of pictures or a little bit? Did I put to many or not enough. Do I put a lot of "I did this and we did that" did I put to much information or not enough. I didn't know whether I should have made this post its own page or just leave it as a really big and long post. So I gave up all the thinking and just did it and this is what I got. haha. So please enjoy!!

          I have lived in Washington State my whole life 30 something years and I have never been to Northwest Trek. So I was really excited when my mom asked if Josh and I would like to go with her and my kids. I jumped at the chance to go and boy am I glad I went. I was excited about the tram you get to ride around in. It was beautiful up there. All the plants and trees and the fresh air. Nice to breath in some nice fresh air. I think it took us about an hour and a half or close to two hours to get there. Quite the long drive but worth every pretty penny for the gas that it takes to get there. They  have moose, elk, bison and more in a 435-acre free roaming area. And the trams didn't have the windows up so if you wanted to get in trouble you could put your arms out and touch the animals if they were close enough. Me I prefer not to get into trouble so I kept my arms to myself. haha they also ask that you keep your arms in. So its only polite to do so. Here is a few pictures of some of the animals we seen on our tram ride.

 So my Trip begins- Think we made there close to 11:30am. Its a wee bit expensive, but mummy paid for it. Josh was in the Army so he gets a military discount and so do I cause I also have a military I think for the two of us it was 30-40 something? I have to ask Josh if he remembers how much it was cause I cant. I have the memory of a gold fish haha 3 seconds and I cant remember nothing. Wait I take that back I think we got there sometime after 12 cause the tram we had to wait for was the 12:20 tram I think. And at the pay window you get these little tokens for the Tram ride. Here is a picture of my green token haha.

 While waiting in line to get on the Tram we had a visitor on the other side of the gate. Just came and laid down. Still had the velvet on its antlers.
My husband Josh my son Aiden and my daughter Alani
Deer's, Mountain Goats, and Rams oh my!!!

Deer, and more Rams
These Buffalos were huge. And so close you could reach out and touch em.
We were a lucky few I guess to get to see all four Moose on the tram ride. Guess that doesn't happen a lot. Guess the weather was good enough for them to all come out. It was really pretty neat to see them in the water like that. I've never seen them that up close and personal before. Tram stopped for a couple minutes and the moose didn't even care. They are use to it. So it walked up to the front of the tram walked in front to the other side and started chowing down. Guess he needed a snack after the swim.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


     1. Which actress would you choose to play you in a movie? 
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This is a hard question for me to answer.  I have so many favorite actress', sure there is a lot of Actresses I would like to play me in a movie. But one that can portray me best. So I don't have a real good answer for this one. Um, I asked my husband and he came up with Maggie gyllenhaal. I have no idea where he pulled that name from cause my husband doesn't know his actress' really at all. But I like her she is a good actress.
2. Would you rather drink Coke or Pepsi? I would rather drink Pepsi

3. Is there anything you are looking forward to this month? My husband Josh's birthday is this month. Don't know what he wants to do yet. We are having a family bbq and garage sale and celebrating one of my aunts birthday as well. And I think sometime this month I might go to the science center. Never been there before either.

4. Would you rather have a cat or a dog?    I would rather have a dog. We have one of both though. cat and a dog. My daughter has the cat. I am not much of a cat person but Alani's cat I actually like. My do Tearsa. Mckenzie river husky

5. What is something you feel strongly about? My family. To instill family value and good manners, good morals to stick up for what they believe in. Treat others how you would want to be treated. I think that I have really well behaved kids that treat others exactly like that. And hope they grow up to be good people. To love each other and stand by each other through the hard times. Be good to your friends and family and respect your elders. In the pictures my husband Josh my son Aiden and my daughter Alani.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Very Lazy Monday

               So my Monday was very nice and lazy, very uneventful. I spent most of my day on the computer. Allure Magazine is having this very awesome Month of August Giveaways. You have to fight to get your entry in before someone else in order to get the prize or be a lucky one of the  few to win some prizes that they have multiple's of. And its all est time so its 3 hrs a head of me. New prize every hr for a good part of the day. I sure hope I win something cause sitting here at the comp trying to win something when there is who knows how many other people trying to win the same one. Its a lot of work. Haha. Very time consuming. Most of the giveaways are pretty nice though. A real treat if I win. Crossing my fingers. So spending the day playing on the comp all the while watching Supernatural. Good show. I never watched it from the beginning of the whole series. So now I'm watching Supernatural, Prison Break, Nip/Tuck, Gossip Girl, and I know there is something else I'm watching but I cant think of what it is. haha to many shows. My husband and I need to finish Weeds and Netflix just informed me that season 5 of Breaking Bad is on. there Not a bad show either. I rather like it. Didn't think I would considering its about selling drugs. Get past that part and the crap they get themselves into is just crazy insane. Good show though. So that pretty much wraps it up for  my Monday. Bring on Tuesday....

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My weekend

      I didn't do a whole lot this weekend. We were pretty lazy for the most part. Went to our local Good Will. I found a couple of books. I found a copy of Tess of the d'Urbervilles. I never heard of it till I read the Fifty Shades books. So one of these days I will get around to reading it. I have to many books I'm reading at the moment. Adding any more books to my pile and I will never get anything read. And at this rate with sitting at the computer all day I'm not getting any reading done. haha well with the exception of the blogs I read. So guess that has to count for something right?? haha   then put ourselves in front of the tv and computer. I seem live in front of my computer now. I got a text from my mom asking if I was going over for dinner she had a present for me. so we went to dinner at my parents. And your all gonna laugh at me for this. But ever since I was a teen and watched the Free Willy movies I fell in love with Orca Whale also known as the Killer whale. My house is filled with whale stuff all over.  So I get there and she brings me out this pillow. I think someone made it. And  if it is hand made they did a good job on it. I love it. I remember in middle school cant remember the name of the class but we had to sew this box thing. I made mine with Orca whale fabric. Still have it around here somewhere still full of sewing crap. That about sums up my weekend. Maybe next weekend will be more exciting. Cross my fingers.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday Confessional

                                        My Friday Confessional

My Friday Confession #1- I am addicted to Craigslist. I can spend a lot of time on there looking for books. ha, ha I am in constant need to add to my always growing library of books.

My Friday Confession #2- I am addicted to Free Samples. I get emails everyday about free samples. Some not so good and some others are just fabulously awesome. I can spend hours and hours on the internet searching for free samples. Love em Think that I may just have to start putting some up here on my blog

My Friday Confession #3- Been watching Nip/tuck like crazy. I used to love and watch this show when it was on tv religiously.

My Friday Confession #4- Gotta love NextFlix for having these shows I'm addicted to.

My Friday Confession #5- I am a little excited and very nervous for I have signed myself up well registered for a blogging/social media class thing next Wed. I really hope to learn something. Should be fun.